Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Though my opinion
May earn me a kick,
It makes me quite sick.
Is it a woman
Who once had a prick?
Nope, just a man
With a mutilated dick.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Trying month.
Better now.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Self Image

It slithers over rolls of fat,
Wet worm that's lithe and wry.
It smells of water, rock and scat,
And chicken, when deep fried.
No matter how you twist or slap,
It coils round your head,
Sinks its teeth deep in your fat,
And snuggles till you're dead.


A good resource for extinct critters,
particularly those whose name you can't quite place.

I used to be obsessed with dinosaurs Back In The Day.
They are still some of the Coolest Things Ever.
No, really.
If you can't see the awesomeness of extinct mega fauna,
then we can never be friends.

Fuck Adderall

All water has left me
Through the hole in my crotch;
It seeks better things
Than internal dry rot
You can see it in my eyes,
My skin and my snot
Hydrated and happy
Is something I'm not

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Knuckles front, knees behind
Of silver, gold, and stars it shines
Of homeland dirt and diamonds fine -
May as well be a cantaloupe rind

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy V-Day.

I'm gonna pay some toothless vagrant to blow me in a parking lot.
Perhaps then I'll feel something more than
terminal apathy for the corporate circle jerk
that is St. Valentine's sad, flaccid legacy.

...also, Venereal Disease.
Think on that.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Though generations of radiation exposure had long since
mutated his family's genes beyond repair,
James, the prettiest of his brood,
found ample use for his talents in the pornography industry,
earning him the title of "Best Newcomer"
at the 2234 AVN Awards.

Despite numerous "cold sores,"
he is still the hero of countless perverts, mutants, and
mutant perverts.


( This image is a rather embellished photo study. )

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Who knows?
I do.
Doesn't mean you ever will.


Ling Ling,
one of the few successes among Dr. Rhinehart's experiments,
was the most graceful creature in the pens.
Swift and lithe, she could practically glide on air.

Sadly, she was hit by a truck,
prompting Dr. Rhinehart's team to invest in higher fencing.